Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ayat-Ayat CInta

Ayat- Ayat Cinta is a film developed by Indonesian People. I've even read once this film can be referred as a counterfeit to one of controversial clip video produced by one of the Holland Minister back few years ago. Damn, we muslim is not a terrorist so don't ever prejeduced to us.

Back to Ayat-Ayat Cinta..its a story adapted from a novel actually. It take places in Egypt, between the life of a muslim named Fahri, which is secretly admired by many women around him and one of them is a Christian girl named Maria. Maria and Fahri live in a block, jsut seperated only a level. However, Fahri finally nikah or married with one of a woman she saves in a train named Aisha.

The story then developed when at last Fahri and Maria get married too, and Maria has finally convert to Islam...At the end of her life, she is pictured died during performing solah...well..the moral of the story here is..Islam is not terrorist and we will never support terrorism..Islam is beautiful...we can see through the movie how harmony it is the life between Muslim and Christian..Sorry I cant elaborate more and nicely but hope you will get my message here...

Below is the trailer of the movie..the theme song is really nice to me..enjoy it....

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