Tuesday, June 9, 2009



What the hell is that?

Where is it?


oh yeah i know where is SINGAPORE is

ooooo..So you want to said that MALAYSIA is located just at the top of the SINGAPORE....

SORRY..i really don't know your country...have heard before..but not so much

-this is what happen when i chat with my old school friend which has further her study to Canada. Pathetic. Our leader keep on claiming MALAYSIA is so famous around the world...WTF!!!

here i post the national flag of Malaysia and the map..so you can at least have a picture in your mind..duhs!!!

i think Malaysia is now getting famous among the French..for the Altantuya!!!!!!!

gosh..guess foreign minister has to work more hard..rather than keep on lobbying government projects for own cronies..PATHETIC DUH!!!!

err..who is the current minister eh?...Anifah Aman?..Rais Yatim?..duh..who cares...only great leader with great achievement will always be remembered..others?.....slum dog millioniere maybe...


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