Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tech Talk - Personal Computer Anti Virus: My personal review

Anti virus is one of the essential software for your computer. It protects you from the threat caused by viruses, worms, trojan or other related threat. My first experience with having my own antivirus is when my mom first time bought our 1st ever own PC back in 2001 then. The brand is DELL and it still functional till now. The antivirus come bundle with other related software. The brand is Norton Antivirus 2001 (Original software). Any latest similar to this product you can find it here. To me, the Norton is quite reliable since it is one of the big name in the antivirus industry. During that time, the threats are not as dangerous as now. So i think the Norton is doing the protecting job excellently.

After around a year i think, the license expired and i am not able to download the latest virus definition files anymore. During that time, i just finished my secondary school and have around 5 months free time. Working?..nah..my mother seems not very happy to let me work even part time at that time. As the result, i spending my time almostly on the internet. Chit chat, MSN, surfing and other things. And at this time, my computer was hitted by some sort of powerful-newly-updated computer viruses. My computer gone crazy. Then i send it for repair and this time i got new antivirus installed, Mc Afee if i'm not mistaken. The obvious thing that make me remembering the software because it was all red in colour;the CD cover, the program interface and even their official websites that time. The McAfee is doing good also, non too far from Norton perfermonces. One thing that i like about the website that time is they do have a world map alike showing the current virus detected. It's quite cool to me at that time. Unfortunately this time i was installing the illegal copy of McAfee (pirated) and after certain time i cant download latest update anymore (every time i try to download the message of warning keep on showing on my monitor =p)

Then my PC got hit by virus again. But this time it wasn't my fault, it was my brother's fault. My PC turn crazy again and i decided to send it to repair again. Then i get to know what is PC-Cilin (normally in medic terminology we have penicilin). Yeah!! it is a software developed by the Trend Micro to help you to fight against the viruses threat on net. The one cool feature come with this antivirus? It has a function that can automatically block internet from penetrating to your PC if you are suspecting any suspicious activities. The advantage of this function is it just blocking any internet activities to your computer, without disconnecting you from the ISP provider. Isn't that COOL?..hehehe...That time i'm using dial-up and yeah..you can imagine how slow is the process to getting connected to the ISP. This PC-Cilin is original copy. XD

Then once i enter to uni's life i get exposed to the AVG, the free based antivirus. Frankly, i dont even know that there are free antivirus ever exist that quite reliable. This AVG can either updated automatically or manually. If you want to update automatically just use the function in the software. If you want to update it manually, 1st you need to download the latest file here, and then open the command in the software and just follow the instruction. The main reason i installing this antivirus into my PC because at that time my PC's harddrive has broke down. It can't be used anymore since it was totally demolished (the time has come..hehehe) so i sent for repair and the technician replacing it with a 10GB only hard drive. So the operation of my PC seems turn slow due to insufficent space and i decided to use only AVG since it quite reasonable for that time.

After i got my own PC during my 2nd uni's year, i decided to install with Avira. The most remarkable sign of this product is the Umbrella symbol..hehehe....At that time my colleagues was hit by a virus called as Brontok if i'm not mistaken and the AVG can't get rid off it. One of my friend is using this Avira and he recommend me to install it seems he found that the virus cant hit his PC at that time. This Avira is free licenced software (can't afford to spend so much money on Premium service..student always broke =p) and it can also be updated automatically or manually. For the manual update you can download the latest VDF here. I still use this Avira till the moment this post is written. However i'm planning to switching to Kaspersky soon since i am getting much more serious dealing with money online nowdays.

Kaspersky, is the most reliable antivirus software i ever used in my personal point of view. It can blocks most of the unwanted threats and keep on your PC safe, online or while offline. However, on of the disadvantage that i can see is it can slow down your PC if your PC are only at the minimum specs. Even though my PC are one of the most powerful among my colleagues (muehehe...masuk bakul angkat sendiri) but it still make my PC slow. This Kasperksy i used pirate CD too and can only endure for at most 3 months. More than that the key is blacklisted and i cant get ne update anymore =p

I hope this review can give you a picture for comparing the best antivirus for your PC. I stressed one more time that this is only my personal view, through my own experience. True, if you have more money you can get a better software and of cause a better protection. Lastly, my personal recommendation goes for Kaspersky =p

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